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Last Update: 18 Feb 2025, 3:58pm


Accomplishments and goals that, if I were to look back upon the year, they would stick out.

    Graduate high school

    Get to university

    Complete and publicize website (and more!)

    Digitize and publicize all of my analog notes

    Read 12 Books


To Read Completed
Dune Jane Eyre
Crime and Punishment Notes from Underground
12 Rules for Life
Beyond Order
21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Dune Messiah
The Courage to be Disliked


The routine that I aim for every day. No day or week is perfect, but I follow the routine at least 5 days a week.

6:00am Wake up
6:10am Exercise
7:00am Shower
7:20am Relax
8:15am School starts
3:15pm School ends
~4:30pm Start working
~8:00pm Read/Code/Relax
10:00pm Go to sleep